ISACA Foundation Scholarship Program to Help Bridge Talent Gap

Person working on a laptop
Author: ISACA Now
Date Published: 14 September 2022

How can ISACA members change the course of someone’s life? ISACA Foundation and ISACA members can join forces to support the future of the digital trust professions by providing access to education and training through the ISACA Foundation Scholarship Program.

ISACA members recognize that cybersecurity and IT audit are among the fastest growing and most needed industries. However, a talent gap continues to spread as the need for these skills increases. The available workforce does not meet the demand for jobs. And yet, with access and support, millions of people who are currently underrepresented and untapped in the professions could fill that gap.

With that in mind, ISACA Foundation is providing over 100 academic scholarships to bridge that gap through inclusion and diversity-building. These scholarships are awarded globally in two cycles per year. From hundreds of applicants, the first 25 scholarships awarded so far illustrated the great need – and the appreciation for that support. “As a black, Muslim, woman, I believe that my identity is extremely underrepresented in the tech industry,” notes one of the scholarship recipients. “Finding resources and breaking into spaces has been difficult given my identity but it’s opportunities like this scholarship that encourage me to continue pursuing my passion for a cyber career.” 

ISACA Foundation looks forward to awarding over 90 scholarships in the second scholarship cycle this October. Please donate to ISACA Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Fundraising Campaign; support marginalized, underrepresented students in their education and career pathways here.