Five Things for Governance Professionals to Put on Their 2024 To-Do List

Guy Pearce
Author: Guy Pearce
Date Published: 15 December 2023

The growing importance of governance is unsurprising, 由于经济的根本变化,这个看似枯燥的话题变得越来越相关, emerging technologies, and broader societal trends, all of which impact the population at large. 治理日益重要的一个原因是信息创建方式变化的结果, distributed, and consumed. 另一个原因是需要解决的日益复杂的社会问题的结果. 但可能最大的推动因素是公民和消费者比以往任何时候都更加知情和参与, and are demanding greater transparency, accountability, and participation in the decision-making processes that affect them. 在我们的日常世界中,各种因素之间复杂的相互联系进一步加剧了这种重要性的激增.

从IT的角度来看,各种形式的治理都与分析治理趋势相关. These include corporate governance, IT governance, data governance, and more recently, AI governance (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The relationships between some of the different forms of governance

Figure 1

Figure 1 encapsulates:

  • Risk, 通过整个澳门赌场官方下载治理(也强调了为什么CRO应该向CEO报告)
  • Security, in IT governance e.g. by firewalls, and in data governance e.g. by ACL management
  • Privacy, in IT governance e.g. by PETs, and in data governance e.g. by consent management
  • Audit, 在符合性(compliance)的同时也借助澳门赌场官方下载整体风险控制的有效性

收集全球治理趋势信息的一种方法是使用谷歌趋势数据作为指南,以确定2023年的相关谷歌搜索活动, as well as to identify areas of rapid and related changes in search. This activity was performed as at 8 November 2023 (Figure 2) for this article.

分析结果表明,数据治理是北美最主要的治理主题, parts of south America, parts of Europe, and Russia, while corporate governance has been a dominant topic in Africa, Oceania, China, and southeast Asia. IT governance is the 3rd highest governance topic, with the most interest in this topic expressed in southern Africa, Australia, the Indian subcontinent, and Canada.

图2:范围内治理形式的搜索量主要是对数据治理和公司治理的搜索. Source: Google Trends

Figure 1

以下是top governance搜索和搜索趋势的摘要(按降序排列):

Top Global Governance Searches 2023:

  • 公司治理:公司治理、伦理、风险和社会责任的描述
  • IT Governance: Description of IT governance, relationship to data governance, relationship to corporate governance
  • 数据治理:对数据治理、与数据管理的关系和框架的描述
  • AI Governance: Relationship to data governance, description of AI governance, relationship to corporate governance, and relationship to IT governance

很明显,对定义的搜索——在数据和It领域一直是热门话题——在治理领域仍在继续. The top Global Governance Search Trends of 2023 are:

  • 公司治理:OSFI(金融机构监督办公室), Canada), IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards), and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)
  • IT and Data Governance: Generative AI
  • AI Governance: Generative AI, ChatGPT, and Bard

Generative AI emerges as a prominent theme across IT, data, and AI governance, 这表明人们对内容创造人工智能技术和解决方案的监管普遍感兴趣. Furthermore, the relationships between IT governance, data governance, and corporate governance, is a strong theme, highlighting the integrated nature of governance as shown in Figure 1. Given this search-based trends analysis, five governance trends emerge:

  • Governance Interrelationships
  • Generative AI Impact
  • Data Governance Frameworks and Management
  • 法规遵从性和报告基于增加的审查和对法规遵从性的强调. 对于OSFI作为一种趋势出现(这是加拿大特有的)的解释可能是OSFI网站提供了良好的通用公司治理信息
  • Environmental, Social, 基于对ESG在公司治理中的重新关注



ESG 通过纳入ESG因素,建立对澳门赌场官方下载风险影响的更广泛理解 Auditing to ensure the integrity of ESG-related data 将ESG数据源和数据访问整合到信息安全策略中 Determining alignment between IT strategies and company ESG objectives 解决esg相关数据的隐私问题,特别是涉及个人的数据
Tech Integration Incorporating converging technology risk (e.g.(包括将生成式人工智能聊天机器人纳入业务运营)纳入风险管理 审计技术融合对操作和安全的放大风险影响 Managing information security in the context of converged technologies Aligning technology with business goals by effective IT governance 将技术融合考虑纳入数据隐私解决方案
Generative AI 理解和管理人工智能实施的风险,包括生成式人工智能 Auditing AI systems, ensuring reliability, security, and compliance 保护信息系统免受新出现的威胁,包括生成式人工智能 Aligning AI governance with overall IT governance Solving for the privacy implications and ethical use of generative AI
Data Highlighting the critical role of data in risk management, emphasizing robust data governance frameworks Ensuring effectiveness of data governance controls Securing data assets and aligning with data governance principles Aligning data governance with overall IT governance Solving for all critical data protection concerns
Regulatory Compliance Understanding and managing the risks related to regulatory compliance 审核并确保遵守相关的安全和数据保护法规 开发和实施符合法规要求的信息安全计划 Ensuring IT practices comply with applicable laws and regulations Managing data privacy in accordance with regulatory requirements

In conclusion, 根据对四类治理的搜索趋势的综合分析,有五个明确的治理领域值得在2024年关注, with practical implications for ISACA’s various certification holders.

如果将分析扩展到一般的治理,那么就会出现一些其他因素. For example, 在同一时间段内,对经济合作与发展组织(经合发组织)的相关搜索有一个主要趋势。, 可能考虑到经合组织在促进伙伴国家良好治理实践方面的作用(有38个). This is followed by related search trends for the World Bank and e-Government. 

Figure 4: Search interest in the term, “ESG”, over the last 10 years. Source: Google Trends

Figure 1

在一般治理背景下,最大的总体搜索趋势似乎是关于ESG的治理含义, sustainability, socially responsible investing, and MSCI (an organization providing e.g., ESG and climate products for investors). This has been on an upward trend since 2019, although it seems to be peaking.

For ISACA certification holders, irrespective of the governance trends, 在图3所示的趋势背景下,所获得的技能将使您在职业竞争中处于有利地位.

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