The Shifting Importance of Soft Skills in a Time of AI Systems, Large Language Models and Global AI Regulations

作者: Jenai Marinkovic, Executive Director, GRCIE
发表日期: 2023年10月9日

在一个人工智能正在重新定义边界、全球监管正在动态适应的时代, the ISACA professional community stands at the nexus, 筛选大量数据,揭示正在重塑网络安全行业的关键趋势. Surprisingly, our latest findings in ISACA’s 《澳门赌场官方软件》 report catapult “human skills”—commonly dismissed as “soft skills”—into the limelight, not merely as an important facet but as the most glaring skills gap in the industry today. 远不是边缘, 在日益相互联系和复杂的数字环境中,这些人类技能正成为关键. 你即将读到的不仅仅是一份分析报告:这是一份紧急呼吁,要求我们重新调整我们的技能组合层次结构. We delve deeply into 15 pivotal human skills, 在人工智能的快速发展和全面的监管变革中,审视它们波动的相关性.




Soft skills that increased in importance

在本节中, 我们评估了《澳门赌场官方软件》报告中重要性增加的软技能,并假设了与人工智能新兴趋势的相关性.

诚实: 诚实 has always been a cornerstone of personal and professional relationships. However, its importance has increased by 1% in the current landscape. 这种微妙的上升可能是由于在处理人工智能系统时需要更多的道德考虑, LLMs and the evolving regulatory environment that governs them.

As AI systems are becoming more prevalent in making automated decisions based on data, there may be instances where these decisions are hard to interpret or justify. 随着人工智能的自动化和决策能力,道德方面变得至关重要. 诚信的重要性略有上升,可能反映出人工智能使用中对透明度和道德问责制的需求日益增长.


写作技巧: As AI technologies become more complex, 表达这些复杂性的能力使得写作技巧变得越来越重要. Documentation and clear communication about procedures, 随着人工智能系统承担更复杂的角色,人工智能逻辑和结果变得越来越重要. 强大的写作技能对于确保人工智能决策背后的人类推理得到充分证明至关重要.

职业道德: 随着管理和监控人工智能系统以及遵守法规的责任增加,职业道德变得更加重要. 这些特质越来越重要,因为专业人士需要积极主动地更新他们的技能和能力, particularly with fast-changing technologies like AI.

决策: 随着人工智能为决策提供更多选择并使决策复杂化,决策变得越来越重要. As AI systems provide more data and insights, human judgment becomes crucial in selecting appropriate actions or ethical paths, explaining the growing importance of this skill.

适应变化: 考虑到人工智能技术和法规的发展速度,适应性仍然至关重要. The cybersecurity landscape is continuously evolving, accelerated by AI advancements. 专业人士必须灵活并愿意适应,这对老龄化的劳动力来说可能是一个挑战.

团队合作由于人工智能技术和法规需要跨学科合作,团队合作的重要性日益增加. As cybersecurity becomes more integrated, professionals must work in cross-disciplinary teams, often including AI or LLM components. 团队合作 becomes increasingly crucial in this environment.

Communication (listening and speaking): 有效的沟通仍然至关重要,因为专业人士必须阐明复杂的人工智能主题并了解监管变化. 听力和口语技能对于将复杂的人工智能数据转化为可操作的见解以及在不同团队中有效合作至关重要. 这包括用外行的话解释人工智能决策的伦理考虑.

Soft skills that decreased in importance

时间管理: 随着人工智能和法学硕士将特定任务自动化,时间管理的重要性略有下降, freeing human time for other activities. AI’s ability to automate various tasks reduces the emphasis on time management, as the machines can handle more routine tasks efficiently.

领导才能: 由于与人工智能合作和导航规则的协作性质,领导力的优先级有所下降. As AI systems can take over some decision-support functions, 领导力可能正在进化,更关注人类和机器智能之间的协调, de-emphasizing traditional “command and control” models.

批判性思维: While AI and LLMs can perform advanced analytics, 随着系统越来越多地提供建议的行动方案,人类批判性思维的作用略有减弱. If AI can handle initial data analysis, the critical thinking aspect of assessing that data may appear less important, though this skill should remain crucial.

注重细节: While AI and LLMs handle many details, human attention remains essential for oversight. 这种技能的波动表明,人工智能将在过渡时期承担一些注重细节的任务,但仍需要人类监督道德和复杂的决策.

Soft skills that remained constant

解决问题: 解决问题仍然是一个持续的需求,特别是当人工智能和法学硕士引入新的挑战时. 这项技能的稳定重要性表明,虽然人工智能可以提供重要的数据分析, humans are still needed for ultimate decision-making, especially when ethical or complex considerations are involved.

同理心: 同理心的重要性始终不变,因为人工智能和法学硕士无法复制人类的情商. 这种情感技能仍然至关重要,因为人工智能系统无法取代人类的情商, 哪一点对谈判至关重要, conflict resolution and customer interaction.

解决冲突: Conflict resolution remains a constant need, especially as new conflicts arise with AI integration and regulation. 调解分歧和做出公平决策的能力仍然是一项明显的人类技能, 人工智能系统的引入可能会带来复杂或有争议的选择,从而放大了这种影响.

The future of technology at stake

总之, 人工智能的融合, 法学硕士的出现和人工智能领域全面的监管变化重塑了我们的技术技能,并深刻影响了我们对软技能的重视. 这些技能, ranging from communication to empathy, 正在经历蜕变, evolving in significance and application.

Whether it’s articulating complex AI algorithms, 在道德困境中徘徊,或者在模糊的国际法规领域中沉思, 我们曾经认为理所当然的软技能现在在塑造技术的未来中起着关键作用. 随着我们进入一个人类和机器智能日益共存和合作的时代, the importance of cultivating these skills has never been more pressing.
